Sprains/ Strains Home Remedies

Movement- Explore range of motion gently, maintain mobility. Consult PT for appropriate exercises.

Exercise- to tolerance, “if it hurts don’t do it”. Do take care to maintain strength in the rest of the body while resting the injured area. Can you still do sit/stand exercises and upper body strengthening? Squats if upper body is injured. Be creative. Qi Gong, swimming, dance, yoga, “use it or lose it”. Keep going!

Analgesic- Topical Arnica homeopathic, CBD, Traumeel. Oral homeopathics (See list below). Minimize NSAIDs but use as needed, SPZM by Health Concerns, Naspirin by DailyNutra are great alternatives to Tylenol or ibuprofen.

Treatment- Acupuncture, gentle manipulation by qualified PT, DO or Chiropractor. Kinesiotape, ACE bandages, wraps for support while maintaining movement and mobility.

Comfrey poultice- steep dried comfrey leaf 10-15 minutes and then wrap leaves in cotton and make a compress, I like to soak the cloth in the tea as well. Apply to area for 15 -20 minutes while resting. CAUTION: do not apply comfrey to open wounds as it can cause the surface to heal before the deeper wound heals and cause an abscess. I prefer to use comfrey poultice only over bruises, sprains and strains and NOT open wounds.


  1. Arnica montana Bruises, injuries, achey soreness.

  2. Magnesium phosphorica Muscle aches, cramps, muscle tension, leg cramps,

  3. Ledum Deep joint ache especially in the lower body (deep ache/old sprained ankles)

  4. Apis red itchy swelling, better with ice/cold, can also be helpful for stings, bites

  5. Hypericum for relief of nerve pain or injury, especially for “crushed digits” injury to fingers or toes

Reminder: This is not intended as medical advice, it is not a substitute for qualified professional medical care. Consult your medical practitioner with any questions and for appropriate medical supervision.

@drjenclemons www.drjenclemons.com @wiseowlmedicine